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関税局―英日CEPA関連-「畜産経営の安定に関する法律に基づく指定乳製品等の輸入通関の際に おける取扱いについて」を改定 12月23日

The Standing Circular for the “Law Concerning Stability of Livestock Management” is revised to harmonize it with UK-JP CEPA. The standing Circular sets the procedures concerning the dairy produces import, especially when the import is delegated by the government. In such a case the importers acting for governments must submit certificates to customs at filings as the standing order stipulates.

(令和2年12月22日財関第1117号) : 税関 Japan Customs


Activity log on Tuesday Dec.22 2020

Applied for two FB haiku groups. One is Japanese and the other is English and Japanese haiku group. The latter asks applicants for a haiku and I attached紅顔の少年秋刀魚ほろ苦し Red-faced boy saury bittersweet (by Google). The two FB groups accepted my application by the next morning.