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Waterfront News


海上コンテナ輸出関連動向 JIFFA 2月25日

Out bound ocean container statistics.

Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under.

Japan's Box Traffic to China Swells 1.8% in 2020 | News | JIFFA - Japan International Freight Forwarders Association Inc


Box Throughput at Osaka Rises 1% in January | News | JIFFA - Japan International Freight Forwarders Association Inc


Box Trade from Japan to U.S. Swells 5.3% in Jan. | News | JIFFA - Japan International Freight Forwarders Association Inc



MLIT released real-estate price index for November 2020


MLIT collected real-estate price data for the month and released the analysis results based on IMF models of which baseline index is 100 in the year of 2010.

And respective figures are:

Land price 100.4, Home 102.1, Condominium 155.6

001388344.pdf (mlit.go.jp)


経産省財務省―韓国産炭酸カリウムに対する不当廉売関連調査について 2月25日

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Ministry of Finance (MOF) made a preliminary determination in the anti-dumping investigation of the product presuming the fact of the importation of the dumped product and the fact of the material injury to the domestic industry.

Preliminary determination of Anti-Dumping Duty Investigation of Dipotassium Carbonate Originating in the Republic of Korea (meti.go.jp)