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WATERFRONT NEWS 関税局―9月末セーフガード対象品目通関済み数量公表 10月30日 CTB announces the safeguard items clearance volume reports by the end of September The volume of imported safeguarded items or Tariff Quota items, have been monitore…

METI Trade Security Office holds web seminar on Export Trade Control

経産省安全保障貿易管理室―10月19日 METI Trade Security Office holds web seminar on Export Trade Control The Office announces the web seminar schedule as under. The seminar is for universities and research institutes that may exchange securi…

Trade statistics for September and First six months in FY2020

関税局―貿易統計9月分及び2020年度上半期 10月19日 Trade statistics for September and First six months in FY2020 https://www.customs.go.jp/toukei/latest/index_e.htm

動物検疫―10月16日現 行乳製品検査証明書様式の周知

動物検疫―10月16日現 行乳製品検査証明書様式の周知 Animal Quarantine Office shares effective forms for dairy product import Animal Quarantine Office announces that some of the dairy product inspection certificate forms agreed between the exp…