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Waterfront News

関税局―8月末セーフガード対象品目通関済み数量公表9月30日 CTB announces the safeguard items clearance volume report by the end of August The volume of imported safeguarded items, or Tariff Quota items, have been monitored and the figures…

Waterfront Weekly

関税局―10月3月期関税割当数量発表 9月27日 CTB announces the Tariff Quota amount for the second half of FY 2019. http://www.customs.go.jp/kaisei/seirei/2019seirei110/shinkyu.pdf 関税局―貿易統計9月初旬分 9月27日 Trade Statistics for the f…

Waterfront News

関税局―10月3月期関税割当数量発表 9月27日 CTB announces the Tariff Quota amount for the second half of FY 2019. http://www.customs.go.jp/kaisei/seirei/2019seirei110/shinkyu.pdf 関税局―貿易統計9月初旬分 9月27日 Trade Statistics for the f…

Waterfront News

関税局―中華人民共和国産トリス(クロロプロピル)ホスフェートに対する不当廉売関税の課税に関する調査を開始 9月26日 CTB announces it starts anti-dumping investigation against Phosphoric Acid Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) Ester (TCPP) (HS 2919.…

Waterfront News

EU-AEOの電子申請化10月から 9月25日 JIFFA Electronic AEO Application Mandatory in EU from Oct. 1 Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under. https://www.jiffa.or.jp/en/news/…

Waterfront Weekly

関税局―日豪AEOの相互承認実施 9月19日 Australia and Japan mutually respect AEO status granted by each other Customs and Tariff Bureau Japan announces as under that two customs administrations have agreed to respect Authorized Economic Ope…

Waterfront News

関税局―日豪AEOの相互承認実施 9月19日 Australia and Japan mutually respect AEO status granted by each other Customs and Tariff Bureau Japan announces as under that two customs administrations have agreed to respect Authorized Economic Ope…

Waterfront News

関税局―貿易統計8月分 9月18日 Trade statistics for August 2019 http://www.customs.go.jp/toukei/latest/index_e.htm インドネシアーニッケルの輸出規制 9月18日 ITCU Indonesia enacts ban on the export of nickel International Trade Complian…

Waterfront News

2020年版インコタームスについて 9月17日 JIFFA ICC Unveils 'Incoterms 2020' to Be Effective Jan 1, 2020 Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under. JIFFA briefly analyzes wha…

Local News

Kameari Katori Jinzya Shrine has an autumn festival today and tomorrow. Mikoshis parade (pictured) and venders’ stalls offers food and drinks. Nothing is very much different from other similar festival, but if you live on the Metro Chiyoda…

Waterfront Weekly

動物検疫―チリからの家きん輸入停止 9月13日 Poultry import ban (Chile) Animal Quarantine Office announces that poultry from Chile is not allowed to be imported because bird flu has been identified in the region. http://www.maff.go.jp/j/press…

Waterfront News

動物検疫―チリからの家きん輸入停止 9月13日 Poultry import ban (Chile) Animal Quarantine Office announces that poultry from Chile is not allowed to be imported because bird flu has been identified in the region. http://www.maff.go.jp/j/press…

Waterfront News

国際商工会議所―2020年版インコタームスのリリース 9月12日 ICC releases Incoterms 2020 The announcement is as under. https://iccwbo.org/media-wall/news-speeches/icc-releases-incoterms-2020/

Waterfront News

農水省―輸入小麦政府売り渡し価格公示 9月11日 MAFF announces its wheat selling price for next 6 months The ministry announces as under that the government’s selling prices for wheat downs by 8.7%. MAFF says that the market prices in the pa…

Waterfront News

植物防疫―早見表の更改 9月10日 Plant Protection Office updates quick view tables about import restrictions in other countries. Plant Protection has been collecting information on other countries’ plant protection measures and shared in t…

Waterfront Weekly

厚労省―勤労統計2019年7月分 9月6日 MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for July 2019 Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL)releases the statistics as under, saying that the payment for full time workers decreased by …

Waterfront News

厚労省―勤労統計2019年7月分 9月6日 MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for July 2019 Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL)releases the statistics as under, saying that the payment for full time workers decreased by …

Waterfront News

日本関税協会―EPA関連アンケート 9月5日 Japan Tariff Association seeks traders’ opinions on EPAs The association invites trade related entities’ opinions on the EPAs and prepared the inquiry form. The association does not limit the responde…

Waterfront News

植物防疫―EUの防疫体制強化情報告知 9月4日 Plant Protection Office shares information on EU protection measures update http://www.maff.go.jp/pps/j/search/ekuni/eu/eu/index.html#saishin

Waterfront News

国交省―羽田空港国際線2020年夏スケジュール増便分各国各社配分発表9月3日 Haneda airport’s 2020 summer season has 50 more flights allotments MLIT announces as under that Haneda airport increases its landing by 50 flights a day from its s…