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Waterfront Weekly August 30 2019

関税局―7月末セーフガード対象品目通関済み数量公表8月30日 CTB announces the safeguard items clearance volume report by the end of July The volume of imported safeguarded items, or Tariff Quota items, have been monitored and the figures h…

Waterfront News

関税局―7月末セーフガード対象品目通関済み数量公表8月30日 CTB announces the safeguard items clearance volume report by the end of July The volume of imported safeguarded items, or Tariff Quota items, have been monitored and the figures h…

Waterfront News

関税局―携帯品申告アプリトライアル・成田第三ターミナル対象者拡大(英語版) 8月29日 The Electronic Customs Declaration Gate System is now available CTB’s English announcement about e-passenger clearance. http://www.customs.go.jp/english/pass…

Waterfront News

国交省―令和元年度主要建設資材需要見通し 8月28日 MLIT forecasts building materials demands prospect for FY 2019 The ministry expects the demands for the building materials are strong. http://www.mlit.go.jp/report/press/totikensangyo14_hh_…

Waterfront News

関税局―携帯品申告アプリトライアル・成田第三ターミナル対象者拡大 8月26日 Baggage and personal belongings declaration by using applications CTB announces that it has expanded the users of this system for all the inbound passengers bearing IC…

Waterfront Weekly

国交省―羽田空港発着米国便の昼間枠来年3月から増加 8月22日 Haneda Airports increases its U.S. slots in the day time from 5 flights to 17 from next spring MLIT announces as under that two CBAs have agreed to increase 12 flights for the day…

Waterfront news

国交省―羽田空港発着米国便の昼間枠来年3月から増加 8月22日 Haneda Airports increases its U.S. slots in the day time from 5 flights to 17 from next spring MLIT announces as under that two CBAs have agreed to increase 12 flights for the day…

Waterfront News

香港の7月コンテナ取扱量7%減 JIFFA Box Throughput at Hong Kong Declines 9% in July Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under. https://www.jiffa.or.jp/en/news/entry-6036.html …

Waterfront News

米国税関―通関士試験実施日告示 8月20日 ITCU US – CBP announces new date for customs brokers exam International Trade Compliance Update (ITCU) shares the subject line information. https://www.internationaltradecomplianceupdate.com/2019/08/…

Waterfront News

関税局―貿易統計7月分 8月19日 Trade statistics for July 2019 http://www.customs.go.jp/toukei/latest/index_e.htm

Waterfront Weekly August 10 2019

動物検疫―米国・ペンシルバニア州からの家きん輸入停止解除 8月9日 Poultry import ban lifted (State of Pennsylvania in the U.S.A.) Animal Quarantine Office announces that poultry import ban against poultry from the state is lifted as the not…