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Waterfront Weekly

関税局―11月末セーフガード対象品目通関済み数量公表 12月27日 CTB announces the safeguard items clearance volume reports by the end of October The volume of imported safeguarded items or Tariff Quota items, have been monitored and the figures…

Waterfront News

関税局―11月末セーフガード対象品目通関済み数量公表 12月27日 CTB announces the safeguard items clearance volume reports by the end of October The volume of imported safeguarded items or Tariff Quota items, have been monitored and the figures…

Waterfront News

関税局―NACCS用輸入品目分類コード10桁目公表 12月26日済 Classification code for imported good extended from 9 digits to 10 for origin and other purposes CTB announces as under that some of the classification numbers in Japan’s Tariff a…

Waterfront News

評価事前教示回答―買付手数料関係(容認―非加算)12月24日済 CTB shares valuation advance ruling information as under In which, customs valuation office rules the buying commission paid by the importer/buyer in accordance with the contract is …

Waterfront News

関税局―貿易統計11月分 12月18日 Trade statistics for November 2019 https://www.customs.go.jp/toukei/latest/index_e.htm

Waterfront News

関税局―日米貿易協定関連資料公表 12月16日 CTB shares tariff, origin and other U.S.- Japan trade Agreement related documents https://www.customs.go.jp/kyotsu/kokusai/us.htm

Waterfront News

関税局―関税率審議会答申 12月13日 Tariff Council answers to Finance Minister and approves the policy review direction https://www.mof.go.jp/about_mof/councils/customs_foreign_exchange/sub-of_customs/report/20191212/kana20191212appendix.…

Waterfront News

厚労省―勤労統計2019年10月分 12月9日 MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for October 2019 Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL)releases the statistics as under, saying that the payment for full time workers increased b…

Waterfront Weekly

食品検査―ベトナム産赤トウガラシ、その加工品 12月6日 Food safety authority alerted red pepper and its preparation from Vietnam The authority alerted because it has identified Proconazole, a controlled substance, in the produce coming from V…

Waterfront News

食品検査―ベトナム産赤トウガラシ、その加工品 12月6日 Food safety authority alerted red pepper and its preparation from Vietnam The authority alerted because it has identified Proconazole, a controlled substance, in the produce coming from V…

Waterfront News

東京税関―日米貿易協定原産地規則説明会補足案内 12月5日 U.S. – Japan trade agreement explanation seminar Tokyo Customs shares following up information on the seminar including the application form. https://www.customs.go.jp/tokyo/PAGE0000…

Waterfront News

関税局―日米貿易協定原産地規則説明会 12月4日 U.S. – Japan trade agreement explanation seminar CTB announced as under that it is going to hold the seminar, and dates and venues are included in the announcement as under. Attendance registr…

Waterfront News

関税局―旅具携帯品申告書様式改定 12月2日 CTB announces that passengers’ personal belongings declaration form is revised The news form C5360 is effective from December 25 2019. Announcement https://www.customs.go.jp/kaisei/tsutatsu/2019ts…