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Waterfront News

経産省WTOパネル―韓国による日本製ステンレス棒鋼に対するアンチ・ダンピング課税延長措置がWTO協定違反と判定 12月1日

The WTO Panel Came to a Decision that the Republic of Korea’s Measure for Extending Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties on Stainless Steel Bars Originating from Japan is Inconsistent with the WTO Agreement

The WTO Panel Came to a Decision that the Republic of Korea’s Measure for Extending Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties on Stainless Steel Bars Originating from Japan is Inconsistent with the WTO Agreement (meti.go.jp)


動物検疫―ベルギーからの家きん輸入停止 12月1日
Poultry import ban (Belgium)
Animal Quarantine Office announces that poultry from Belgium is banned because bird flu has been identified in the region.

ベルギーからの家きん肉等の一時輸入停止措置について:農林水産省 (maff.go.jp)


関税局―関税率審議会の審議資料公表 12月1日

CTB shares the papers read at Tariff Council

CTB seeks Tariff Council’s advice and acknowledgement for FY2021 Tariff Revision proposal and reading materials read at the meeting are shared.

Among other items, item 3-1 and 3-2 propose the duty and tax payment with credit cards.

関税・外国為替等審議会 関税分科会 配付資料一覧(令和2年11月30日) : 財務省 (mof.go.jp)