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経産省―貿易管理―電算申請(NACCS)手続き改正周知 1月15日

METI’s Trade Control Office announces that certain protocols regarding with the license application, filing and reporting through NACCS (an online Export/Import procedures network) are to be revised. The details are stated in the following paper.

20210115_naccskaisei.pdf (meti.go.jp)


植物防疫―提出書類への押印廃止広報 1月15日

Plant Protection Office announces the revises of the Hanko (seal) requirements to the forms to be submitted for plant protection related procedures. The details are explained in the following announcement.

押印を求める手続等の見直しについて:植物防疫所 (maff.go.jp)


国交省―鉄道輸送統計2020年10月を公表 1月15日

MLIT shares rail transportation statics for October 2020

For freight, it notches 120.3% to the previous year by ton/kilometer basis. It says.

報道発表資料:鉄道輸送統計月報(概要)(令和2年(2020年)10月分) - 国土交通省 (mlit.go.jp)


経産省―オンライン各国税セミナー開催 1月14日

METI holds online seminar on taxation and transfer pricing in the possible countries for investment.

METI offers this program between Feb.1 and Feb. 28 in 23 sessions. Registration is required and other information are explained in the following announcement.

進出先国税制等に係る情報提供セミナーを開催します (METI/経済産業省)


食品検査―輸入食品の安全性に関するオンライン意見交換会開催 1月13日

Food safety authority organizes on-line discussion about the safety for imported food items.

The session is held on Jan. 28, and registration and other details are explained in the announcement as under. 

食品に関するリスクコミュニケーション (mhlw.go.jp)


食品検査―ニュージーランド産はちみつとその加工品 1月12日 

Food safety authority alerted New Zealand’s honey and its preparation.


The authority alerted that honey and its preparation of New Zealand provenance because it has identified, Glyphosate, a controlled substance by Food Sanitation Law, from the shipment coming from New Zealand. The authority has determined mandatory inspection against the inbound shipments of the stuff from New Zealand.

輸入食品に対する検査命令の実施|厚生労働省 (mhlw.go.jp)