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関税局―審議会答申 12月11日

Tariff Council approves CTB’s policy-setting for FY2021

It includes the expansion of duty and tax payment means to credit cards, and the relaxation of the necessary conditions for maintaining the clearance related records in electronic medium. The approved measures are integrated into the bills, which are to be filed to Parliament.

関税・外国為替等審議会 関税分科会 配付資料一覧(令和2年12月10日) : 財務省 (mof.go.jp)



Activity log on Thursday Dec.10 2020

Read “CTB publishes Q&A about Customs Valuation” and shared it. Non-residents filers (also buyers) seem to be increasing.

Went to barber’s for 1700JPY, it took half-hour including shaving. Wife demanded my accompanying to observe the space station passing over our heads at 1708hrs. Our gazing power were not strong enough to penetrate the cloud.