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Waterfront News



METI Security Trade office shares materials used for presentation at the Export Trade Order Security Trade Seminars for Universities and Research Institutes.

list.pdf (meti.go.jp)


厚労省―勤労統計2020年10月分 12月8日 

MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for October 2020 

Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL)releases the statistics as under, saying that the payment for full time workers decreased by 1.4% and for part time workers it decreased by 0.4%, and part time worker’s hourly wage rose 2.0% when they are compared with the same month in2019.

【1Pマクロ後】10月速報 (mhlw.go.jp)


国交省―自動運航船の実用化へ向けた安全設計ガイドラインを策定 12月8日

MLIT sets a guide line for autonomous vessel building and operation

報道発表資料:自動運航船の実用化へ向けた安全設計ガイドラインを策定<br>~自動運航船の開発・実用化がより一層促進されます~ - 国土交通省 (mlit.go.jp)



Activity log on Monday Dec.7 2020

Posted “CTB holds online seminar for UK & JP EPA implementation”

日英包括的経済連携協定に係る業務説明会を開催します : 税関 Japan Customs

Listened a BBC programme,

The Bottom Line

The Last Mile

We take free delivery of goods and services to our homes for granted. But the last mile of the journey is expensive and fiddly for logistics firms. Will drones and robots help?

BBC Radio 4 - The Bottom Line, The Last Mile

Took a walk to the rail station square “smokers’ sanctuary for daily two sticks and notched 5,500 steps. Watched sparrows down on a grass land, busy hunting worms in the soil. 死ぬまでは転ぶことなく寒雀(三橋敏雄) “A sparrow that does not fall until it dies”. I think Google does a good job. However there were sparrows down there, and they live in a herd. “Sparrows that do not fall until they die” is my modification. “A frog or frogs” that is always a question.