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関税局―分類事例集更新 11月26日済 

Customs and Tariff Bureau (CTB) adds classification ruling examples         

 CTB has shared classification decisions which could be helpful for understanding actual interpretation and application of HS rules and notes in the form of classification ruling examples, and the latest edition adds Tariff Headings of 2005, 2103, 6301 and 6302.

輸入貨物の品目分類事例 : 税関 Japan Customs



国交省―11月の主要建設資材受給動向 11月26日済 

MLIT shares the demand and supply survey results on major construction materials. 

The reports that supply and demand, as well as prices, are stable.    

報道発表資料:11月の主要建設資材の需給動向は均衡<br>~主要建設資材需給・価格動向調査(令和2年11月1日~5日現在)の結果~ - 国土交通省 (mlit.go.jp)