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東京税関―成田・羽田二空港貨物取扱量統計9月分 10月4日


Cargo handling volume at two airports in Tokyo area

Tokyo Customs shares cargo handling figures at Haneda and Narita Airport for August 2019.



関税局―特別緊急関税の発動―1108.12項とうもろこしでん粉 10月1日発動 10月2日


CTB decides triggering special emergency duty on Maize (corn) starch in HS1108.12


MOF-CTB announces as under that the tentative duty rates set in Temporary Tariff Measures Act (lower tariff) is not applicable from October 1, 2019 resulting from the mobilization of Article 7-3 of the Temporary Tariff Measure Act. This means the quota volume set in the Act had been imported by August 31.




東京税関―統計特集醤油と味噌の輸出統計分析 10月2日


Export Trend analysis – soya source (shouyu) and soybean paste (miso)


Tokyo Customs Statistics Section has shared its trade trend analysis periodically, and the office takes on shouyu HS 2103.10 and miso HS 2103.90.


The report says the two condiments have steadily increasing and destined to more than 50 countries with JPyen 80bn and 35,000kl for shouyu, and JPyen 40bn and 17,000 tons for miso.






7月の日本発中国向けコンテナ前年比24.4%減少 10月2日 JIFFA


Containers from Japan to China Plunge 24.4% in July


Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under.





CTB announces the safeguard items clearance volume report by the end of August


The volume of imported safeguarded items, or Tariff Quota items, have been monitored and the figures have been shared at the Safeguard portal. The portal provides the cleared amounts out of allocated amounts by respective EPSs and by the items at the end of previous month.
