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厚労省―勤労統計2019年7月分 9月6日


MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for July 2019


Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL)releases the statistics as under, saying that the payment for full time workers decreased by 0.3% and for part time workers it decreased by0.1%, and part time worker’s hourly wage rose 2.4% when they are compared with the same month in2018.


Press release






関税局―消費税10%導入関係Q&A 9月6日


CTB explains how 10% Consumption Tax should be calculated


The explanation includes Q&A and the demarcation between food (8%) and others (10%).



東京税関―成田・羽田二空港貨物取扱量統計8月分 9月6日


Cargo handling volume at two airports in Tokyo area


Tokyo Customs shares cargo handling figures at Haneda and Narita Airport for August 2019.




関税局―貿易統計8月上中旬分 9月6日


Trade statistics for first 20 days in August 2019


Customs and Tariff Bureau of Japan shares the subject line statistics as under.



日本関税協会EPA関連アンケート 9月5日


Japan Tariff Association seeks traders’ opinions on EPAs


The association invites trade related entities’ opinions on the EPAs and prepared the inquiry form. The association does not limit the responders to its members. However the inquiry is in Japanese.




植物防疫―EUの防疫体制強化情報告知 9月4日


Plant Protection Office shares information on EU protection measures update






Haneda airport’s 2020 summer season has 50 more flights allotments


MLIT announces as under that Haneda airport increases its landing by 50 flights a day from its summer schedule in 2020. And it announces how these increased allotments are delivered to the countries and airlines.

